In the 1830's, the English had become major drug-trafficking criminals. They primarily hit China with the drug Opium. Through merchants the English people smuggled this drug into China to give to all the people, this created a country full of drug-addicts. The Chinese emperor wrote a letter to the queen of England asking her why she was allowing his country to become this way, when frankly she would not tolerate it in her own. The English queen did not respond well, especially after the Chinese choose to block English way ports into their country, this started the Opium wars. In the end the English won, because of their technologically advanced ships and weapons. The Chinese suffered a humiliating defeat and the emperor was forced to sign a treaty legalizing Opium in China.
"The Opium Wars"
]posted by aroraglobalblog at 5:08 PM
"The White Man's Burden"
]posted by aroraglobalblog at 2:15 PM
"The Scramble for Africa"
]posted by aroraglobalblog at 1:48 PM
Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"
When Europeans began to explore Africa they faced many challenges. When the Europeans traveled through Africa the natives who were all dark skinned and who had never before seen "white men" were scared and attacked them. The native tribes also did not like the fact that the Europeans were invading there territory. Europeans employed Africans to join them as workers on there expeditions, but soon some of the Africans took there supplies and fled camp, so the European travelers were stranded sometimes without there necessary supplies.
]posted by aroraglobalblog at 3:47 PM