Film Lesson: Dr.Zhivago

The Film "Dr. Zhivago" was about the Revolution of Russia and how the people were under communistic control during this Revolution.

The Russian Revolution was caused by a violent struggle of power between the anti-government and the Czar of Russia. In December 1904 the people of Russia fought for their needed rights which was known as Bloody Sunday. When Dr. Zhivagogot returned home after a long and tiresome stay with the armies of Russia, he got a first hand look at Communism. The government had put many families into his home, because that is the idea of Communism, everyone shares. In the end of the Russian Revolution the Constitutional Democratic Party.

Joseph Stalin and Totalitarianism

Joseph Stalin was born on December 21, 1879. His name was originaly Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, he later changed his name to Stalin which means "Man Of Steel". Joseph Stalin took over the Soviet Union when he was the secretary general of the Communist Party in Russia. Stalin was in charge of the Police during the Cold War. Stalin was always considered a dictator because of the million's of lives taken away when he the leader of Russia.

Totalitarianism is a state that regulates every public and private behavior.

Causes of WW I

On June 28 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne was assassinated by Serbia nationalist Gavrilo Princip while on a formal trip to Sarajevo. Unbeknown at the time, this assassination would be the breaking point between the already tense and nationalistic European countries during this era.
Many countries inside Europe had strong nationilistic feelings, they believed that their country was greater than the next. Countries wanted to prove who was the best, they all wanted to go to war in someway or another. The assisnation of franz Ferdinand gave a reason to Autria-Hungary to go to war with a smaller country(Serbia). Serbia was nationalistic as well, they were upset because of a prior war in which land was lost. The assisnation was not the only cause of the war.