The scientific revolution was a time of great discoveries and changes. Before this people believed whatever previous facts scientists stated without needing actual proof of the existence of the so called ''fact''. Then when the scientific revolution began questions began to be asked. Does the bible have all the correct answers that we need?, did the scientists who stated these theories have a way to back it up? how can we know for sure?. Eventually curiosity got the better of these people and new experiments began to take place.
An example of this is when a scientist named Galileo went up to the top the Leaning Tower of Pigza and dropped stones of different weight and proportions to the bottom [as legend says]. When he saw that the stones even though they were of different sizes fell together and landed together, he realized that what Aristotle's theory explained was wrong. Aristotle's belief was that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. When he was proved wrong people began to go into full change mood and thus more theories were proven and others that were wrong were dismissed.
Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method
]posted by aroraglobalblog at 7:55 AM