Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

There are two theories that had pulled people in the scientific revolution. One was the Geocentric theory explains that the center off the universe is the earth and that all other planets and the sun revolve around it. This theory was stated by Plotomy of ancient Greece. This theory came before the correct idea which is known as the Heliocentric theory. This theory which arrived during the scientific revolution claims that the sun is the center of the universe and that the earth along with all other planets orbit around it.
Galileo Galile was a scientist who was greatly known during the scientific revolution. He proved many ideas that were once stated by earlier scientists were wrong. He believed in the Copernican Planetary System. He was summoned in by the inquisition [holy office] to withdraw his stance on the universal placing of the earth and the sun. The Church of course believed in the geocentric theory. They sentenced Galileo to life imprisonment but after his plea of change they changed his sentencing to life in house arrest.