Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a Political economist and revolutionary. His ideas were radical, they went against the Industrial Revolution for many reasons. He felt that the Industrial Revolution was hazardous and political incorrect. He argued that workers should be in control of farms and mass production factories instead of high society landlords. He once shouted that workers of the world should unite in a "world wide revolution."

Marx believed that wealth should be equally shared between a Communist society, the word communist the abolition of power of people over people, "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs", said Marx.

One of the main things that stands out about the industrial revolution was the extreme poverty and the poor in which people lived. Marx did not like the way the revolution treated people who struggled to work. He wanted to change things for the better. He described Communists as those who best understood the class struggle. Marx thought that the lower class understood pain, struggle, and suffering which would get them united and a revolution unlike no other to cease the new day.